Boost your social media brand with animation

If you imagine brand marketing as a pizza, social media marketing is the biggest slice. As mass communication evolves, social media has proven to be one of its most valuable assets due to its curated content and brand boosting powers. While it may be one of the most effective platforms to connect with consumers, social media’s branding power relies on the quality of its content. According to experts, video is the go-to marketing strategy, with animation leading the way. A survey by Brightcove states 85% of millennials have purchased a product or service after watching a video on social media.

With hundreds of videos being produced and published on social platforms daily, competition is fierce. Advertisers are faced with big decisions based on three variables: quality, quantity, and budget. Every company’s annual budget allocation may be different, but the one consistent goal is to make every dollar count. With return on interest (ROI) top of mind, the following factors confirm how the use of animation in your social media brand is a safe bet.

Memorable Content

According to Muck Rack, users spend an average of 1.7 seconds on a post before scrolling to the next. With such a limited time to entice your audience and turn a viewer into a buyer, quality content must supersede the superficial. Studies show purchasing power is rooted in emotion. According to Harvard professor Gerald Zaltman, 95% of the purchasing decisions are subconscious. It’s not what the buyer is thinking; but what they are feeling. Advertisers can evoke emotion, capture attention, and inspire spending trends with powerful stories told through animated content. 

A Hubspot research study showed that 72% of consumers prefer video to text when receiving ads or marketing information. Online popup ads, email spam, and anonymous texts can be intrusive when unsolicited. Even honest advertising content on any of these platforms can be mistaken as scams or phishing attempts. As a consequence, they often go unread and ignored.

Strategic Messaging

Animation ensures brands can be seen and heard, even without volume. Which is pretty important given that 69% of consumers watch online videos with the sound off, according to Verizon Media. Key messaging is the most impactful contributor to the success of a brand. Through animation, a brand’s messaging can be relayed via text, motion graphics, characters, vivid colors, and artistic imagery. Animation proves that the voice of a brand does not need to be articulated with sound. Its memorability, even in silence, speaks volumes. 

Cost Effective

Whether you’re buying a video or a car, you get what you pay for. Depending on a company’s budget, the production for live action footage can quickly add up, from the logistics needed for a shoot, to the creatives designing the concept. In most cases, a set budget for live action can accomplish more sophisticated results when applied to animation. Although it may be more time consuming, animation is far more malleable when simplified.

The Verdict

Social media is a great tool to connect with audiences and increase brand awareness. By adding in animated videos to your social media marketing strategy, you ensure your content is engaging and will leave a lasting impression!
