Roland is a 3D animation graduate from the School of Visual Arts in New York, and started his career working on PC and console gaming projects in Baltimore. He started developing games at the age of 11 on TI Calculators and PC with the Borland C++ Compiler. In 2012 he pivoted his career to indie game productions, starting with game engines such as Game Maker Studio and later moving on to Unity and Unreal.
In 2015, Roland self-published his first indie title, “Daydreamer,” on Steam and later on Playstation 4. And in 2018, he joined Pixeldust as a vital member of Pixeldust Labs. His programming and full-stack development expertise have been instrumental in developing several mobile apps, indie games, and websites. Since then, he has been working on a diverse range of gaming and non-gaming projects, including mobile app development, using technologies such as node.js, react, web3, Solana CLI, C#, and spearheading the development of the Dinoverse metaverse and Breakoutforce games.