Flawless was looking to create a TV commercial to promote their newest product, the NuRazor. They chose Pixeldust to showcase the NuRazor with a 3D product animation. Designed specifically for women, the NuRazor is a revolutionary electric hair remover that doesn’t require water.

Creative Director: Ricardo Andrade
Producer: Elizabeth Andrade, Emily Vitek
Lead Animator: Andy Hencken
Editor: Mark Andrade


Most high-tech razors are traditionally marketed to men, and their promotions typically feel masculine and focus on functionality. Pixeldust was tasked with animating a cinematic and photorealistic 3D-animated TV commercial that generates desire from women while demonstrating both the practicality and visual appearance of the razor.


Pixeldust wanted the product animation to portray a sophisticated and feminine feel for the razor. Featuring the NuRazor in this promo like a piece of fine jewelry, Pixeldust showed the magical glows and color palettes that accentuate the curves, soft handle, as well as its non-abrasive shaving technology.

With the use of dazzling music, the viewer is teased with a sequence of extreme close-up shots that highlight the unique qualities of the NuRazor. As the music crescendos to a high-energy chorus, more and more of the product is shown, finally revealing the whole product with an impactful resolve. The commercial ends with the razor spinning like it would in a jewelry display, as the narrator tells the viewers that there is no better way for women to shave than with the NuRazor.
