A long-running collaboration of producing medical content with WebMD led to the production of “Living with MS”. Pixeldust created this short-form documentary video series following five individuals as they tell their stories of being diagnosed and living with multiple sclerosis. The team brought their stories to life with a combination of film-quality original footage, minimalistic graphics, and a thoughtful editing approach. This gave a hopeful spin to the sometimes gloomy world of medical content, showing MS patients how to live a happy, fulfilling life.

Director: Ricardo Andrade
Executive Producer: Elizabeth Andrade
Producer: Kathleen Cromley
Director of Photography: Hossam Aboul-Magd, Ari Goldstein
Animator: Jason Starbird-Tierney
Editor: Mark Andrade

Production of medical video
Medical Content Production
Live action medical video
MS Medical content
MS Medical content and documentary
Stories about medine